RE: Webizen progress and next meeting

Re: the Doodle poll ... I see start times of 8:00am  and 10:00am.  Clues on time zone?  (Sometimes Doodle adjusts to one's local time zone, but I'm not sure if that always happens.)

If you can just say what the start time would be in Eastern (ie, Boston), then the rest of us can calculate for our own area.

(Sorry if this was clear per the 1st meeting which I regret missing.)

Thanks - Ann

From: Jeff Jaffe []
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 9:29 AM
Subject: Webizen progress and next meeting

Thanks to all who participated in last Friday's call.

The Doodle poll for the next call is at [1].

The agenda is to review the inputs that people have been putting into the wiki [2].

Some of the more specific points to discuss:

  *   We had good consensus on the Goals at the last call.  We should try to finalize by this meeting.
  *   We agreed to use the Twitter questionnaire as a means to assess what should go into the program.  I've drafted a sample questionnaire.  I'm not sure if we'll be able to conclude on this questionnaire at the next meeting; but we probably need to get close and finalize it by the following meeting.

     *   Julian continues to look at getting us some professional help as well.


Received on Monday, 4 August 2014 17:05:10 UTC