Re: Directories of Projects to Webize

On 29 January 2014 23:39, Tim Holborn <> wrote:

> Reading it says 'ACL'd r/w
> linked data <>'
> kif is cool.
> so; quick chat to stample, discuss -
> that we need a method to 'make' for multiple platforms, perhaps create
> github branches?
> meanwhile; getting frustrated with comm's method (as an example), so
> looking at what's up with epub3...
> find
> with
> a splash of  -
> and
>  ( ), thinking shuttle worth is doing some
> work, i keep stumbling across their projects...
> The idea that GitHub is just one big rww platform is a kinda interesting
> view, that seems to be used for some reason by the book editor project...

Webizing git / github would be extremely cool.  Perhaps the easiest way to
do this is via  gitlab:

> so; then thinking about how 'fun' it is to go find some app that exists
> somewhere, then load it up and link it to my or or
> rww-play or open link instance; it's just not that 'chrome extensions'
> experience so many like to use, to just show how cool, how simple, how
> awesome this rww stuff is.
> yeah, read-write-web is part of the game, but we've got a few names and
> the 'platform' type of thing, doesn't seem to sing 'linux' no-matter the
> flavour (stample/, - thinking / are
> both kinda like 'debian' based systems - just rww styles). Having an app
> that's 5 star linked data - might cut it, but it doesn't really cut into
> the WebID/RWW/LDP lifecycle specifically (often better when messing with JS
> based apps, rather than older complex LAMP systems, mind both work...)
> in all areas of life all people are lay-people at something...
> has a good story to it; but i'm a
> believer in knowledge systems, looks like we're coming to a milestone of a
> rather significant journey...
> On 30 Jan 2014, at 1:10 am, carmen <> wrote:
> "We do need a name we can stick to. ;)"
> Semantic-Web <- sounds too AI, unrealistic until machine-learning deployed
> widely at client-level?
> Linked-Data <- referring to serializations & data-model not entire platform
> Read-Write-Web <- is this not the current name?
> you can read+write to just about any website though, save for luddite
> geocities-freaks who are still serving files via Apache and writing to them
> only via FTP/Rsync/SCP,
> but you'll need to reverse-engineer large mounds of obfuscated&minized JS
> with FireBug/WebkitDevtools or mitmproxy+tshark, and emulate their usage of
> ad-hoc site-specific APIs, over and over ..
> thus, borrowing nomenclature from Complex Math, these solutions which
> while "on the web" are not "on the read-write web" since the "web" part of
> the name implies a shared/unified way of doing writes, and related
> offshoots like identity + auth(orize|enticate)
> IRWW . Imaginary Read-Write Web . just link your "app" to
> liboursitedata.jar and you can read+write. we swear it's a "website" (the
> URL is even though only accessible w/ SPDY,
> not HTTP 0 and only outputs JSON, not HTML, and uses our homebrew auth
> system. this ensures the smoothest user-experience, as determined by
> highly-paid UI consultants
> RRWW . Real Read-Write Web . stample/ldphp/other-newcomers
> so it's no longer the triple-W, but the double-RW - WWW RW + POSIX+RW
> underneath in most cases, unless you're a hyper anti-luddite who
> exclusively use RAM-only blobstores having abolished the filesystem to
> antiquity

Received on Wednesday, 29 January 2014 22:47:51 UTC