WebID proxy?


In July 2012, Elf Pavlik wrote about the idea of a WebID proxy that
could be used without installing certificates on a client:

A few days ago at GET-D
<http://get-d.net/home/events/getd-summit-hackathon-berlin-iii/> in
Berlin, the Jolocom <http://jolocom.com/> team and others talked about
this idea again.

So we wrote up the following pad with some initial thoughts and questions:
http://piratepad.nl/eXd4UsVuaW (please re-try few times if not reachable)

Before developing this further and possibly duplicating efforts, we'd
like to ask for feedback.
Perhaps you could advise if this exists already, or if not, how to best
approach it?


Received on Monday, 19 October 2015 10:08:09 UTC