Re: [blink-dev] Re: (Pre-)Intent to Deprecate: <keygen> element and application/x-x509-*-cert MIME handling

> On 26 Aug 2015, at 02:21, wrote:
> One of the main differences between Webcrypto and keygen besides the ability to work with the server to create TLS certs is that the only secure browser chrome driven system that seems to exist for user security is TLS client auth. Webcrypto solves a lot of issues in theory by making private keys non-extractable by choice and the API immutable but the weakness that still exists in an overarching fashion is the nature of control the server has over the executing JS. Ideally, there should be some sort of visual component to Webcrypto that allows it to work purely in the interest of the user, such that a malicious server is unable to purposefully get ahold of a private key whether by using handrolled crypto libs that appear to work as intended but arent native and therefore exposing the private key to the server invisibly or even just the server setting extractable to true and getting the private key invisibly (invisibly assuming the person isn't combing their network requests). There needs to be some sort of browser chrome driven way for the user to be confident that a malicious server simply could not get ahold of their private keys because their private keys were generated in browser, unextractably. The only interface that exists for anything like this at all is keygen and client cert chrome. I do not believe this is an absurd use case given that web crypto is a standard now. The key discovery standard which no one has implemented yet may address some of these things, I am unsure, but the point still stands that whether client auth TLS is a good thing or not, there really should be some sort of in browser crypto that truly works in favor of the user even so that a malicious server cannot "win" by dictating all facets of the JS execution.

I think one can make a slightly stronger point. You speak here of a malicious server. What people tend to think of here is a server that has been broken into, and root taken. Perhaps code in the Apache or Ngingx server has been changed surrpetitiously. The problem is: nothing this dramatic needs to have taken place.

With javascript same origin policy and some HTTP upload method like WebDAV - even if well secured to only allow a specific set of users to upload anything - any javascript uploaded to the origin anywhere can potentially get access to those private keys in the browser local storage and then use it to impersonate the user. This is not true of uploaded html, css, or any other data. Furthermore: since JS is turing complete language, it can be near impossible for an advanced programmer to tell if a piece of code uploaded is actually doing something malicious. 

The only way to secure a server then is to not allow any upload anywhere of any JS. But then how would one use the JS Crypto libs?

If the JS crypto libs had a way to get the user to sign things through the chrome and everyone be guaranteed that the JS never had access to the private keys, then it would be possible to distinguish who had signed what with the private key x of some public key. 

This would of course then require some good UI design in the chrome - which is unavoidable in the end. But I at least don't believe that this is an impossible task. It's just more complex for things that go beyond the micro capacities of TLS client certificate authentication. 


> On Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 3:46:51 PM UTC-4, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> Primary eng (and PM) emails
> <javascript:>
> Summary
> This is an intent to deprecate, with the goal of eventually removing, support for the <keygen> element [1], along with support for special handling for the application/x-x509-user-cert [2].
> This is a pre-intent, to see if there are any show-stopping use cases or compatibility risks that have hitherto been unconsidered.
> [1] <>
> [2] <>
> Motivation
> History: <keygen> was an early development by Mozilla to explore certificate provisioning. Originally Firefox exclusive, it was adopted by several mobile platforms (notably, Nokia and Blackberry), along with support for the certificate installation mime-types. During the First Browser Wars, Microsoft provided an alternative, via ActiveX, called CertEnroll/XEnroll. When iOS appeared on the scene, <keygen> got a boost, as being the initial way to do certificate provisioning, and along with it brought support into Safari. It was then retro-spec'd into the HTML spec.
> Issues: There are a number of issues with <keygen> today that make it a very incompatible part of the Web Platform.
> 1) Microsoft IE (and now Edge) have never supported the <keygen> tag, so its cross-browser applicability is suspect. [3] Microsoft has made it clear, in no uncertain terms, they don't desire to support Keygen [4][5] 
> 2) <keygen> is unique in HTML (Javascript or otherwise) in that by design, it offers a way to persistently modify the users' operating system, by virtue of inserting keys into the keystore that affect all other applications (Safari, Chrome, Firefox when using a smart card) or all other origins (Firefox, iOS, both which use a per-application keystore)
> 3) <keygen> itself is not implemented consistently across platforms, nor spec'd consistently. For example, Firefox ships with a number of extensions not implemented by any other browser (compare [6] to [7])
> 4) <keygen> itself is problematically and incompatibly insecure - requiring the use of MD5 in a signing algorithm as part of the SPKAC generated. This can't easily be changed w/o breaking compatibility with UAs.
> 5) <keygen> just generates keys, and relies on application/x-x509-*-cert to install certificates. This MIME handling, unspecified but implemented by major browsers, represents yet-another-way for a website to make persistent modifications to the user system.
> 6) Mozilla (then Netscape) quickly realized that <keygen> was inadequate back in the early 2000s, and replaced it with window.crypto.generateCRMFRequest [8], to compete with the CertEnroll/XEnroll flexibility, but recently removed support due to being Firefox only. This highlights that even at the time of introduction, <keygen> was inadequate for purpose.
> [3] <>
> [4] <>
> [5] <>
> [6] <>
> [7] <>
> [8] <>
> Compatibility Risk
> While there is no doubt that <keygen> remains used in the wild, both the use counters [9] and Google's own crawler indicate that it's use is extremely minimal. Given that Mozilla implements a version different than the HTML spec, and given that Microsoft has made it clear they have no desire to implement, the compatibility risk is believed to be low in practice.
> Mozilla is also exploring whether or not to remove support for the application/x-x509-*-cert types [10], but has not yet (to my knowledge) discussed <keygen> support - either aligning with the (much more limited) spec, extending the spec with the Mozilla-specific extensions, or removing support entirely.
> On the application/x-x509-*-cert support, there is a wide gap of interoperability. Chrome does not support multiple certificates, but Firefox does. Firefox will further reorder certificates that are inconsistent with what was specified, offering a non-standard behaviour. Chrome does not support application/x-x509-ca-cert on Desktop, and on Android, defers to the platform capabilities, which further diverge from Firefox. Both browsers have the underspecified behaviour of requiring the user having a matching key a-priori, except that's not detailed as to how it works. Firefox also handles various mis-encodings (improper DER, DER when it should be base64), which Chrome later implemented, but is not well specified.
> [9] <>
> [10] <>
> Alternative implementation suggestion for web developers
> The primary use cases for <keygen>, from our investigations, appear to be tied to one of two use cases:
> - Enterprise device management, for which on-device management capabilities (Group Policies, MDM profiles, etc) represent a far more appropriate path. That is, you would not expect a web page to be able to configure a VPN or a users proxy, so too should you not expect a webpage to configure a user's system key store.
> - CA certificate enrollment, for which a variety of alternatives exist (e.g. integrated to the web server, CA specific-tools such as SSLMate or protocols such as Let's Encrypt, etc). Here again, it does not seem reasonable to expect your web browser to configure your native e-mail client (such as for S/MIME)
> Within the browser space, alternatives exist such as:
> - Use the device's native management capabilities if an enterprise use case. On Windows, this is Group Policy. On iOS/Android, this is the mobile device management suites. On OS X, this is Enterprise settings. On ChromeOS, there is chrome.enterprise.platformKeys [11] for enterprise-managed extensions.
> - Use WebCrypto to implement certificate enrollment, then deliver the certificate and (exported) private key in an appropriate format for the platform (such as PKCS#7) and allow the native OS UI to guide users through installation of certificates and keys.
> On some level, this removal will remove support for arbitrarily adding keys to the users' device-wide store, which is an intentional, by-design behaviour.
> While a use case exists for provisioning TLS client certificates for authentication, such a use case is inherently user-hostile for usability, and represents an authentication scheme that does not work well for the web. An alternative means for addressing this use case is to employ the work of the FIDO Alliance [12], which has strong positive signals from Microsoft and Google (both in the WG), is already supported via extensions in Chrome [13], with Mozilla evaluating support via similar means [14]. This offers a more meaningful way to offer strong, non-phishable authentication, in a manner that is more privacy preserving, offers a better user experience, better standards support, and more robust security capabilities.
> [11] <>
> [12] <>
> [12] <>
> [14] <>
> Usage information from UseCounter <>
> <>
> Based on data seen from Google crawler (unfortunately, not public), the number of sites believed to be affected is comically low. 
> OWP launch tracking bug
> <>
> Entry on the feature dashboard <>
> <>
> Requesting approval to remove too?
> No

Social Web Architect

Received on Wednesday, 26 August 2015 05:37:03 UTC