Re: (Pre-)Intent to Deprecate: <keygen> element and application/x-x509-*-cert MIME handling

As a pointer for future reference the full thread is here:!topic/blink-dev/pX5NbX0Xack/discussion <!topic/blink-dev/pX5NbX0Xack/discussion>

Ryan Sleevi keeps arguing that he has fundamental arguments against keygen and client certs.
But for each of the arguments presented it is easy to find answer often a UI interface improvement 
that would solve the stated problems. Other problems are handwaved at and I am still waiting for clarification.

There are pointers to other technologies that would be better aparently, but it is suspicious that
they should want to remove a working one for yet to be tested ones, which makes it look more
like a political/business move than a technical one: removing a problematic competitor is often
easier than proving oneself.

Hopefully the discussion will help clarify some things.


> On 30 Jul 2015, at 18:01, Melvin Carvalho <> wrote:
> FYI: Google / Ryan Sleevi's comments on WebID
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Ryan Sleevi < <>>
> Date: 30 July 2015 at 17:53
> Subject: Re: (Pre-)Intent to Deprecate: <keygen> element and application/x-x509-*-cert MIME handling
> To: Melvin Carvalho < <>>
> Cc: blink-dev < <>>
> On Jul 30, 2015 7:42 AM, < <>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > -1 KEYGEN is in use.
> >
> > This move will be severely detrimental several grass roots communities, such as the WebID community.  
> >
> > [1] <>
> >  
> This comment doesn't really address any of the technical concerns raised. WebID has repeatedly demonstrated a willingness to appropriate ill-suited technology, and has readily acknowledged that no browser implements the desired functionality for WebID to be successful.
> WebID is still nascent, and readily admits it won't work with Edge. An alternative would be for WebID to proceed with standards that are actually widely used and have a viable chance at being usable - such as WebCrypto.
> But it seems odd to hold a feature that was never fit to purpose nor working as desired hostage for experimental activity in a CG.

Received on Saturday, 1 August 2015 09:09:29 UTC