Re: Simple Page-Owner Token (SPOT) Authentication

On 11/12/2014 01:01 AM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
> On 2014-11-12 05:36, Sandro Hawke wrote:
>> On 11/10/2014 06:39 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>> Just wanted to highlight this interesting work from sandro
>> Thanks.   I should say the design came out of discussions with Andrei 
>> Sambra,
> > trying to avoid the problems with poor browser support of client 
> certificates.
> Sandro, that's a very interesting statement since the W3C is just 
> about to launch
> a continuation of WebCrypto which indeed may be focused on 
> certificates and browsers!

I'm just speaking for myself as a user and software developer; I'm not 
involved in that W3C work.  My feeling is the UX is terrible. My 
understanding is the only people who ever use it are people without a 
choice, like enterprise employees and university students.  What 
fraction of consumer websites use client certs for user 
authentication?   I've never seen one.   I think that's because the UX 
is so bad.

       -- Sandro

> Anders
>>         -- Sandro
>>> This document specifies an HTTP authentication mechanism suitable 
>>> for use in situations where the HTTP client is tightly coupled with 
>>> another HTTP server. It is very easy to implement and requires no 
>>> extra crypto.
>>> For illustration purposes, we'll say Alice is a process which serves 
>>> the web resource at http://alice.example/alice and wants to act as a 
>>> client to access a protected resource http://bob.example/bob, which 
>>> is served by a different process, Bob.
>>> For non-trivial use, to provide some resistance against attackers 
>>> who can view or intercept network traffic or subvert the DNS, HTTPS 
>>> URIs should be used, and clients should check that the server DNS 
>>> name matches the certificate.
>>>     Status
>>> Not yet implemented.
>>> Before wide deployment, the new authentication type Page-Owner-Token 
>>> and the two new HTTP headers (Page-Owner-Token-Check and 
>>> Page-Owner-Token-OK) should be registered with the IETF.
>>>     Walkthrough
>>> *Step 1.* Alice performs an HTTP GET on an access-controlled page 
>>> served by Bob, but does not authenticate herself, so Bob returns a 
>>> 401 error. The response includes a header telling Alice she can 
>>> authenticate using this protocol and try again.
>>> |> GET /bob HTTP/1.1
>>> > Host: bob.example
>>> ...
>>> < HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required
>>> < WWW-Authenticate: Page-Owner-Token
>>> ...
>>> |
>>> This uses the standard WWW-Authenticate HTTP header with a new 
>>> keyword for this new authentication type.
>>> *Step 2.* Alice generates a cryptographicly random token, a nonce. 
>>> In this example, I'll write it as xyz123. It should use only the 
>>> Base64 characters.
>>> *Step 3.* Alice repeats the GET, this time including a header which 
>>> identifies her via a web page and includes the nonce:
>>> |> GET /bob HTTP/1.1
>>> > Host: bob.example
>>> > Authorization: Page-Owner-Token 
>>> client="http://alice.example/alice" token="xyz123"
>>> ...
>>> |
>>> ISSUE: Should it just be http://alice.example/ ? What does it mean 
>>> to include the /alice?
>>> Alice can include multiple headers like this, since it might be that 
>>> only one of her multiple identies actually has access to /bob and 
>>> she doesn't now which. The identity strings must be dereferenceable. 
>>> They can be either an Information resource IRI (returning 200 OK) or 
>>> a non-information resource IRI (returning 303, or having a hash). 
>>> Either works fine for this protocol.
>>> Note that sending identity strings like this may reveal more to Bob 
>>> than desirable.
>>> *Step 4.* Bob checks to see if the request provides a valid token:
>>> |> HEAD /alice HTTP/1.1
>>> > Host: alice.example
>>> > Page-Owner-Token-Check: token="xyz123" 
>>> relying-party="http://bob.example/bob"
>>> ...
>>> |
>>> The verb could be GET (instead of HEAD) if the Bob is interested in 
>>> the content of /alice.
>>> *Step 5.* Alice confirms:
>>> |< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>> < Page-Owner-Token-OK: true
>>> < Set-Cookie: [whatever, optional]
>>> ...
>>> |
>>> Alice only does this if the token was in fact the one she generated 
>>> for her GET to Bob.
>>> Only a response containing the header "Page-Owner-Token-OK: true" is 
>>> taken as confirmation.
>>> The Set-Cookie is an optional shortcut. With this cookie, Alice can 
>>> give Bob some secret to use in future communications, so that Bob 
>>> can act as an HTTP client accessing alice.example in the future 
>>> without needing to go through his own SPOT handshake.
>>> *Step 6.* Bob returns the protected content requested in Step 3
>>> |< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>> < Set-Cookie: [whatever, optional]
>>> ... content ...
>>> |
>>> The Set-Cookie is an optional shortcut. With this cookie, Bob can 
>>> give Alice some secret to use in future communications, so that 
>>> Alice and Bob do not have to repeat this handshake every time.

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2014 02:42:51 UTC