JavaScript/Node.js WebID Provider

Hi group,

Within a University internal project I was involved in, my colleague
wrote a pure JavaScript WebID Provider.

From the Readme:

WebIDP is an identity provider for generating WebIDs. It has been
developed by BFH - Bern University of Applied Sciences as a part of a
research project called CV3.0.

WebIDP is a server application written in JavaScript, running in a
node.js-environment providing a HTML5-frontend for user interaction. The
interface allows the user to generate one or many WebID(s) after a
successful authentication to a directory service (currently only LDAP is

After generation of a WebID, the user can then use this WebID to log in
at WebID-enabled services or to the WebIDP itself in order to manage all
of his WebIDs. One or many WebIDs can be specified as
administrator-WebIDs, enabling their users to manage all WebIDs of the

Unlike other projects I'm aware of the whole certificate generation is
pure JS, kudos to the Payswarm guys for helping out!

Grab the source here:

Pull-requests are welcome, there is still stuff we want to do/need to
fix but it's a start :)



Adrian Gschwend

ktk [a t]
Open Source Project

Received on Thursday, 17 July 2014 09:18:38 UTC