Re: mitigating Webid (+ TLS') single point of failure

On 6/13/13 8:16 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 14 June 2013 02:11, Kingsley Idehen < 
> <>> wrote:
>     On 6/13/13 7:12 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>     On 14 June 2013 01:05, Kingsley Idehen <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>         On 6/13/13 6:57 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>>         On 13 June 2013 19:17, Kingsley Idehen
>>>         < <>> wrote:
>>>             On 6/13/13 11:02 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>>>             On 11 June 2013 22:15, Kingsley Idehen
>>>>             <
>>>>             <>> wrote:
>>>>                 On 6/11/13 3:58 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>>>>                 On 11 June 2013 21:50, Henry Story
>>>>>                 <
>>>>>                 <>> wrote:
>>>>>                     On 11 Jun 2013, at 21:47, Melvin Carvalho
>>>>>                     <
>>>>>                     <>> wrote:
>>>>>>                     On 11 June 2013 21:39, Henry Story
>>>>>>                     <
>>>>>>                     <>> wrote:
>>>>>>                         On 11 Jun 2013, at 21:28, Melvin Carvalho
>>>>>>                         <
>>>>>>                         <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>                         On 11 June 2013 20:20, Henry Story
>>>>>>>                         <
>>>>>>>                         <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>                             Melvin, you forget that you could
>>>>>>>                             also use .onion or .garlic urls if
>>>>>>>                             you really don't want to rely on DNS.
>>>>>>>                             As for the rest I think it is
>>>>>>>                             interesting. But it seems like a lot
>>>>>>>                             of work, which will require
>>>>>>>                             working on a logic of trust, and
>>>>>>>                             much more. Perhaps a Phd thesis?
>>>>>>>                         You really think it's that much work? 
>>>>>>>                         OK, then how about this:  we each take
>>>>>>>                         the keys of people in our friends list,
>>>>>>>                         and cache the reverse lookup for them ... ?
>>>>>>                         And how do you stop a man in the middle
>>>>>>                         changing all those pieces of info as you
>>>>>>                         fetch them?
>>>>>>                         What is the algorith you use for trusting
>>>>>>                         those people? How do you tell them to
>>>>>>                         update their
>>>>>>                         system if your keys change? What do I do
>>>>>>                         in case of clash? Etc.... etc....
>>>>>>                         I don't think that quick answers to this
>>>>>>                         point on a mailing list are going to be
>>>>>>                         satisfactory.
>>>>>>                         You need someone full time on these
>>>>>>                         issues, and careful work with crypto
>>>>>>                         specialists.
>>>>>>                     I think, as with much of security, there's no
>>>>>>                     perfect answer to these questions. Tho for
>>>>>>                     each scenario you can devise a strategy.
>>>>>>                     But the principle here is that the mirrored
>>>>>>                     claims make things incrementally better.
>>>>>>                     What's wrong with incrementalism?
>>>>>                     Well great. We're all waiting to see your
>>>>>                     implementation and the spec that goes with it.
>>>>>                 Well it only works if people start doing it.  The
>>>>>                 algorithm is not too hard.
>>>>>                 1. For each of your friend's keys, each with
>>>>>                 digest (d):
>>>>>                 2. On your host add the document
>>>>>                 /.well-known/di/d
>>>>>                 Containing the triple
>>>>>                 di:d
>>>>>                   cert : identity
>>>>>                 <webid> .
>>>>                 We have to get around /.well-known/ due to its
>>>>                 issues with letting users have full control, even
>>>>                 when they don't control or possess admin privileges
>>>>                 for a DNS server.
>>>>                 You can handle this by adding a URL parameter to
>>>>                 the di: scheme URI. Net effect, you can point to
>>>>                 the location of the document associated with the
>>>>                 digest denoted by the di: scheme URI.
>>>>                 We do exactly what I just described in our X.509
>>>>                 cert generation services:
>>>>                 1.
>>>>                 2.
>>>>                 Example:
>>>>                 1. --
>>>>                 public key URI
>>>>                 2. -- page
>>>>                 describing the cert associated with the public key
>>>>                 3.
>>>>                 di:sha1;Ufn4rImd6QKET8LqDZwCkRaufLo?hashtag=webid&
>>>>                 <> -- di: scheme URI with
>>>>                 the URL parameter
>>>>                 4.
>>>>       ;Ufn4rImd6QKET8LqDZwCkRaufLo?hashtag=webid&
>>>>                 5.
>>>>       ;Ufn4rImd6QKET8LqDZwCkRaufLo?hashtag=webid&
>>>>                 -- back to the original public key description.
>>>>             These links are awesome.  How did you generate the string:
>>>>             sha1;Ufn4rImd6QKET8LqDZwCkRaufLo
>>>             SHA-1 hash function. In our case, its built into the
>>>             certificate generator which leverages Virtuoso's
>>>             in-built layer to crypto stuff.
>>>         So you're taking the SHA-1 of "something".  What is that
>>>         something?
>>         X.509 certificate, as expressed in the digestURI relation:
>>         1.
>>         -- certificate description
>>         2. --
>>         denotes the relation .
>>         3.
>>         -- page describing the relation .
>>     Thanks kingsley, so the digest is a hash of the Certificate.
>>     But if I wanted to verify that, how would I do it?
>>     Dont I need to know the serialization that you used for the
>>     digest and the canonicalization method?
>     If you have the Cert, hash function, public key, and signature
>     data at hand, you can verify the Certificate. Of course, you can
>     do all sorts of things by just keeping to the basic rules for
>     digital signature verification re. standard PKI (modulo CA network
>     of course).
> The "concept" that is being hashed is the Cert.

> But what is the "string" being hashed?

The content that describes the concept. Thus, the di: scheme URI is just 
another URIs that denotes a concept such that look-up (de-reference) 
resolves to description oriented content. We have a resolver for the di: 
scheme URI hence the &http parameter.

>     Kingsley
>>         -- 
>>         Regards,
>>         Kingsley Idehen	
>>         Founder & CEO
>>         OpenLink Software
>>         Company Web:
>>         Personal Weblog:  <>
>>         Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
>>         Google+ Profile:
>>         LinkedIn Profile:
>     -- 
>     Regards,
>     Kingsley Idehen	
>     Founder & CEO
>     OpenLink Software
>     Company Web:
>     Personal Weblog:  <>
>     Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
>     Google+ Profile:
>     LinkedIn Profile:



Kingsley Idehen	
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:
Personal Weblog:
Twitter/ handle: @kidehen
Google+ Profile:
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Received on Friday, 14 June 2013 11:01:52 UTC