Re: WebID Demo Suggestion

On 7/29/12 2:38 PM, Jürgen Jakobitsch wrote:
> hi kingsley,
> i'm already using linked data for my invoices and bookkeeping.
> here's a another suggestion for a demo that might prove usefull :
> bookkeeping (invoices).

Yes, believe it not, we showcased full Linked Data based eCRM years ago, 
but as per usual, these things have never ever been heard of in the land 
of Linked Data.
> along your latest example of "you can log in to my page, if you know me
> or timbl" you could use invoices as a demo (fishing for ceos and
> cfos :-) )


> 1. create a super simple invoice ontology
>     with due date, pay date, amount, currency, description and the target
> of the invoice (who has to pay)

Think about the entire eCRM realm super charged with Linked Data. The 
ability to integrate the data from LinkedIn etc.. into such systems, 
seamlessly.  Its already there for those who are actually interested in 
these powerful usecases :-)

> now for example you could write invoices targeted at [1].
> if i log in using my webID i can only access the invoices targeted at
> myself. using sparql 1.1 i could calculate the sum of all open invoices.
> i even could transfer the data to my bookkeeping application using a
> construct query altering the uri to fit my needs, as soon as the payment
> for an invoice is confirmed.

Yes, this  could also be a complete ERP system. If works for CRM it 
works for ERP etc.. But until people settle down to understand the 
basics, they'll always end up (more often than not) missing the 
connections re. value enhancement, even when they are given a demo of 
such systems with emphasis of said benefits in mind.
> wkr turnguard
> [1]



Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Monday, 30 July 2012 00:08:14 UTC