Re: Doodle for upcoming WebID telecons

On 02/16/12 17:30, Henry Story wrote:
> On 16 Feb 2012, at 17:24, Stéphane Corlosquet wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Henry Story <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     On 13 Feb 2012, at 19:27, Stéphane Corlosquet wrote:
>>>     Hi all,
>>>     Looks like we've narrowed down the times pretty well and it's
>>>     time to close this doodle.
>>>     Let's have the WebID calls on Wednesdays at 3pm UTC / 4pm Paris /
>>>     10am Boston.
>>>     I'm not sure how often we want to run these calls. My feeling
>>>     about the past year is that not everybody was able to make it
>>>     every week, and we might have higher turn up if we do bi weekly
>>>     calls. Aren't less frequent calls with more people better than
>>>     more frequent calls with less people? This would also leave more
>>>     room for participants to sprint on the WebID applications in
>>>     between each call.
>>     Ok, so it does not look like we're getting more participation on
>>     the doodle. When should we have the next meeting then?
>> shall we do first Wednesday of the month?
> Sounds good for me.
> Henry

I'm fine with that. Actually, I think I can adapt to any day, as long as 
the teleconf happens during the afternoon.


>> Steph.
>>     Henry
>>>     Steph.
>>>     On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 8:40 AM, Henry Story
>>>     < <>> wrote:
>>>         Please fill in the doodle so we can work out what is the best
>>>         time to have everyone together in the teleconf.
>>>         Currently we only had 5 people put their names down.
>>>         Don't pay attention to the dates. We just want to see when
>>>         its easiest to get everyone together.
>>>         Henry
>>>         On 4 Feb 2012, at 09:53, Henry Story wrote:
>>>>         On 4 Feb 2012, at 02:05, Stéphane Corlosquet wrote:
>>>>>         Hi,
>>>>>         Please fill the time slots you are available for joining
>>>>>         the upcoming conf calls at
>>>>>         All days of the week are available, and the times range
>>>>>         from morning-afternoon on east coast matching
>>>>>         afternoon-evening in Europe. We will not only use the
>>>>>         results of this poll for next week only, but potentially
>>>>>         for every week or every other week, so even if you are not
>>>>>         free next week, fill in the times you are the most likely
>>>>>         to be free on a given day of the week.
>>>>         Done.
>>>>         We should try to get some people to come in from different
>>>>         groups to talk about things so that
>>>>         we can see how things can get integrated with their work.
>>>>         Henry
>>>>>         have a great weekend!
>>>>>         Steph.
>>>>         Social Web Architect
>>>         Social Web Architect
>>     Social Web Architect
> Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 16 February 2012 22:10:57 UTC