Quick update on mixing Shared Brotli and IFTB patches in the same font.

I've managed to put together a demo of static IFT which combines shared
brotli and IFTB patches in the same font. I previously theorized this
should be possible, now I've been able to demonstrate it working for real.
The demo can be found here:


The CJK portion of the demo is backed by a static IFT font which has 4
partitions for the non outline data which are augmented via shared brotli
patches. While all of the glyph outline is augmented via IFTB patches.

I'll plan to talk about this in more detail at the next wg meeting,
including what I've learned in going through the exercise of putting this
demo together.

Received on Friday, 10 November 2023 02:46:30 UTC