Agenda - conf. call Jan. 24th

Hello WG,

We will have our weekly conf. call today at noon EST (9 am PST / 5 pm GMT).
I just send an invite for our new weekly WebEx call, sorry for delay in setting it up as Chris and I had to work out few kinks. So, just for heads up - call info in my invite is good for today's call but may change for subsequent recurring calls, if so happens I will update the invite.

Agenda for today's call:

  1.  Existing solutions recap (Google, Adobe, Monotype) and what we can learn from it
(This is just a conversation starter, I don't expect it to be done in one call but we do need to collect this data to include in the Evaluation Report, which is one of the WG deliverables.)
  2.  Ideas / use cases - what "progressive font enrichment customers" would be looking for in an ideal solution?
  3.  Success criteria (Myles' agenda+ request)
  4.  AOB (for any last minute agenda+ items)

Looking forward to our call in just a couple of hours (sorry for a short notice).

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2019 14:53:51 UTC