WOFF2 spec changes


The following changes have been implemented in the spec (http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF2/spec/#woff20Header) :

-          Action 165: revised the second paragraph of subclause 5.4 to optionally allow alphabetically sorted tables inserted between 'glyf' and 'loca' only when individual font files are encoded in WOFF2. For font collection files - 'loca' MUST immediately follow the 'glyf' table.

-          Action 163: revised the language of subclause 5.4 to remove any notion of the nominal size. Removed UA conformance case "mayRejectWrongGlyfTableLength" - I don't think this neither necessary nor useful.

The text needs review, there are potential changes still needed to firm up the description of the origLength value and there may be changes to the conformance requirements for file format.

-          Added "conform-magicNumber" and "conform-noMagicNumber-reject" conformance requirements in the description of WOFF2 header.

-          Clarified the meaning of the "uncompressed" font data size in subclause 5 (para #5) and removed the editorial note.

-          Extended metadata and private data blocks - changed the 4-byte alignment language to accommodate the differences between WOFF1 (table-based) and WOFF2 (stream-based) structure. The 4-byte alignment for metadata block is needed but no longer assured since it follows a variable-length compressed data stream. Added "conform-metadata-padalign" conformance requirement.

-          Fixed the link in the media type application text.

There are still quite a few things we need to review and address:

-          WG: Review conformance requirements for UIntBase128 datatype and how they can be tested.

-          WG: Review the need for UA conformance requirement in Subclause 5 (see note).

-          WG: Review conformance requirements in the end of subclause 5.4 (see note).

Let's discuss this tomorrow at our telcon.

Thank you,

Received on Tuesday, 10 March 2015 21:56:34 UTC