Re: Telcon reminder and agenda for Wed., January 8th

Hello Vlad,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014, 4:28:21 AM, you wrote:

> Agenda:
> -          Discuss the findings on the elimination of the predictable points;
> -          Discuss the near-term WG plans and objectives;

I have an update to the evaluation report.

- add initial google font data on Brotli from the Amsterdam meeting
- add corrections and clarifications from Amsterdam
- add the google font corpus data for LZMA
- add discussion of continuation streams
- add discussion of preprocessor
- add discussion of predictable points investigations
- tidy and improve references

I now have a way to get tabular data from the google docs into html
that doesn't suck (export CSV and convert).

not yet done (but can be):
- add older historical data for LZMA
- add appendix with predictable points data
- add table of contents

not yet done (needs more input)
- comparison of brotli over multiple corpi
- brotli specification reference
- appendix to explain what parts of MTX used and why

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2014 14:55:51 UTC