Updated WOFF2 spec and CTS planning

Hello WG,

Please see attached the updated spec for your review (sorry, my CVS client acting up and I can't get through to upload the spec).
The spec is marked up to identify the conformance requirements, and after going through this exercise I am afraid that we are severely "underspecified" when it comes to UA and authoring tool requirements and testable assertions. There is still a lot of things to do on the spec side before we can even remotely consider it ready for prime time.

Note to Raph - if you can find some time and go through the spec with your additional edits and changes, I'd really appreciate it. There are still grey areas regarding "nominal size" definition and decoder behavior regarding memory handling due to potential size variations of decompressed and reconstructed font data.

All, I'd also very much appreciate your input on what parts of the spec we can tighten up to add new testable assertions and UA / decoder requirements for CTS - once we complete this first step we should be able to start the CTS planning and decide what tests need to be in place and how we can / should test each condition.

I would like to get this discussion started now, before we meet for our F2F on Sep. 16. Email your comments to the list, and let's discuss them during the telcon this week. FYI- I will be on vacation (and out of reach) during the next week so the next opportunity (other than this week, i.e.) to discuss this would be Aug 27.

Thank you,

Received on Monday, 11 August 2014 17:04:49 UTC