Re: css3-fonts: should not dictate usage policy with respect to origin


This serves as a response both to today's messages to the CSS list and 
also your recent comments to the W3C Font list regarding same origin 
related text in the WOFF spec.

I wonder if you have had an opportunity to look at Anne van Kesteren's 
proposal for a generic 'From-Origin' header, which would provide a 
standard mechanism for authors to set same origin restrictions or 
permissions for all resource types and, hence, would remove the need for 
@font-face specific SOR.*


Would such a mechanism be satisfactory to you?


*The background of SOR in @font-face and WOFF is a desire to make it 
easy and reliable for webfont licensees to conform to license terms that 
  require same origin restriction. There is support for Anne's 
From-Origin mechanism in the W3C Webfonts WG, which is why the current 
SOR text in the WOFF spec is marked as being 'at risk'. The WG voted not 
to remove the current text, though, until a viable alternative mechanism 
is available, recognising that a lot of support for WOFF from the 
commercial font foundries is dependent on the modicum of IP security 
provided by the format as currently specified.

Received on Friday, 17 June 2011 22:46:04 UTC