RE: Open Font License FAQ updated!

> From: [mailto:public-webfonts-wg-
>] On Behalf Of Dave Crossland

> Question: 2.3 What about other webfont formats such as
> EOT/EOTLite/CWT/etc.?
> Answer: In most cases these formats alter the original font data more
> than WOFF, and do not completely support appropriate metadata, so
> their use must be considered modification and RFNs may not be used.

It's true that EOT does not have WOFF's metadata support, claiming that
EOT alters the original font data more than WOFF is puzzling. Surely,
prepending a header to the original file and compressing the whole thing 
is less of an alteration of the font data proper than extracting each 
table and compressing each individually.

Received on Tuesday, 24 August 2010 19:22:46 UTC