Re: F2F meeting room allocation

 On 10-08-11 23:19, Levantovsky, Vladimir wrote:
> Folks,
> We will be in the “Westside” room on the Plaza level (down the
> escalators, one flight down from the lobby). TypeCon will have their
> own wi-fi network setup at the Plaza level so we should have an access
> to it (and it’s free).
> The room does not have a telephone, we will try to either Skype JK in,
> or use mobile phone.
> Looking forward to seeing you all next week,
> Vlad
So the the final word is:

The WOFF Working Group's Face-to-Face meeting is on Tuesday, August
17th, at 10:00 AM in the Westside room of the Century Plaza Hyatt
Regency in Los Angeles



Received on Saturday, 14 August 2010 14:01:12 UTC