Re: Proposed Boilerplate Information for Touch Events CG; deadline Oct 25

On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Arthur Barstow <>wrote:

> Hi All,
> Here is my straw-man proposal for the three boilerplate items that need to
> be defined when the new Community Group is proposed. You'll notice the
> Group Description borrows heavily from Rick's feedback on the CfC.
> 1. Name: "Touch Events" i.e. "Touch Events Community Group".
> 2. Group Description:
> [[
> The Touch Events community group was formed by members of the Web Events
> Working Group (responsible for the Touch Events specification) and the
> Pointer Events Working Group (responsible for the Pointer Events spec). The
> group's focus is differences in touch event behavior between browsers. The
> group seeks to form consensus on the best approaches for interoperability
> outside of what's already standardized.
> Among the topics in scope for this group:
>  * Defining how touch-action should be implemented in browsers that
>    support touch events; see [1].
>  * Defining the "right" TouchEvent / PointerEvent interaction for both
>    browsers and pointer event polyfills; see [2].
>  * Trying to form consensus on how exactly browsers should behave in
>    sending touch events when scrolling stars (f.ex. see the following
>    public-webevents thread [3]).
>  * Identifying other differences that exist between these events.
>  * Discussing problems web/framework developers have with the design of
>    touch events; see [4].
> Additionally, the group will define "mappings" between Touch Events and
> Pointer Events" (f.ex. see [5]). The group also expects to make proposals
> for potential future standards.
> [1] <**document/d/**1CV2AXyrdPdGSRypAQcfGrgQVuWYi5
> **0EzTmVsMLWgRPM/<>
> >
> [2] <**document/d/**1Sasl1qYJV6agrDvGplEYlZznzc38U
> **-TFN_3a67-nlSc/<>
> >
> [3] <**Public/public-webevents/**
> 2013AprJun/0040.html<>
> >
> [4] <**document/d/12-HPlSIF7-**ISY8TQHtuQ3IqDi-**
> isZVI0Yzv5zwl90VU/<>
> >
> [5] <**spreadsheet/ccc?key=**
> 0AvdBn9Kvx22qdGRnRXNPb0ZBTUl3S**EkwdUdtaW9pWWc&usp=sharing<>
> >
> ]]
> 3. Short name: "touchevents"; this will be used for things like the mail
> list name (e.g. public-touchevents) and the group's home page e.g. (
> Comments, corrections, alternate proposals as well as +1's for all of the
> above are welcome but please reply by October 25.
> Note that after the CG is proposed, at least 4 other people with W3C
> accounts must register their support for the CG in order for it to be
> created. As such, I will notify this list and the public-pointerevents list
> after I submit the proposal.
> Assuming the CG is created, the details of how the group actually operates
> (f.ex. if a `charter` is created or not), the group's scope, schedule,
> deliverables, work mode, etc. is left for the group to decide. (FWIW, my
> current expectation is that I will join the group and that  others will
> lead/chair the group.)

Instead of covering just touch-pointer mappings, can we cover
touch-pointer-mouse relations altogether? PE only covers pointer-mouse and
TE only covers touch-mouse (non-normative).

Additionally it would be really awesome if we could cover how
pseudo-pointers (key only navigation via spatial navigation and/or caret
browsing, virtual mouse) should behave, since that's not
covered/standardized anywhere and most of the compatibility event firing
has been implemented based on ad-hoc testing.

Sangwhan Moon [Opera Software ASA]
Software Engineer | Tokyo, Japan

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 11:44:25 UTC