What must be done to publish a Working Group Note of Touch Events v2?

Hi All,

We agreed to publish a "Working Group Note" of the Touch Events v2 spec 
[TE-v2] and I would like to move forward with that publication.

One option is simply publish it "as is". Another option is to merge high 
priority changes we made to v1 before publishing (f.ex. I just noticed 
the IDL for the TouchList interface's item method isn't correct).

What high priority changes must be made before the Note is published?

Since this WG's charter expires November 15, I'd like to get this Note 
published by then and earlier if possible.

-Thanks, AB

[TE-v2] <https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webevents/raw-file/default/touchevents.html>

Received on Friday, 11 October 2013 11:55:50 UTC