Re: Moving Touch Events v1 to Recommendation

On 9/19/13 3:53 AM, ext Doug Schepers wrote:
> On 9/18/13 8:05 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
>> Assuming we still intend to publish the v2 Note, we can of course
>> eliminate "version 1" from our v1 Recommendation but I'm not sure if
>> we should or not. Is there a good precedence here? ATM, I don't have
>> a strong opinion either way.
> I don't think removing the "version 1" limits us in making a v2 Note 
> (or not), and if we keep it, it could be confusing to developers or 
> implementers whether there's going to be a normative v2.

Yes, I see your point.

Rick - since you are one of the bigger proponents re the v2 WG Note, I'd 
like to hear from (and anyone else) if Doug's proposal is OK with you.

-Thanks, AB

Received on Thursday, 19 September 2013 10:46:09 UTC