W3Conf: conference for Web App developers November 15-16

[ Sorry for the cross posting ... ]

If you are looking for a conference focused on using Web APIs and HTML5 
e.g. to develop Web apps, design Web apps, etc., check out this November 
15-16 "W3Conf" conference in Redmond WA US:


= 2011: HTML5 and the Open Web Platform

W3C, the web standards organization, is holding its first conference.

If you are a developer or designer wanting to hear the latest news on 
HTML5 and the open web platform, and your place in it, save the date.

A limited number of seats will be available for the live audience in 
Redmond–just outside of Seattle–and videos of the presentations will be 
streamed live to the world.


= Sessions & Speakers

W3Conf has industry leaders speaking on a wide variety of topics that 
every developer needs to know: HTML5, APIs and Javascript, graphics, 
accessibility, CSS, and much more.

We have selected speakers on an invitation-only basis to deliver the 
most educational and entertaining experience for our audience on the 
topics we felt were the most pressing for Web developers and designers 

The conference costs $199 and the registration site is 

Doug says the scheduled should be fleshed out in a day or two.


Received on Monday, 10 October 2011 18:59:58 UTC