UA Requirements (was: First Draft, Touch Interface Spec)

Hi, Timeless-

timeless wrote (on 1/25/11 10:24 AM):
>> 3.2 The touchstart event A user agent must dispatch this event type
>> when the user places a touch point on the touch surface.
> i don't like this must.
> A user agent shall dispatch this event type to indicate when the
> user places a touch point on the touch surface.
> note that my complaint is really that if i the user want to talk to
> the os, a user agent, or an extension, i don't want my useragent to
> be obligated to send an event to the web application. the fix isn't
> swapping must for shall (they mean the same thing), it's the
> insertion of 'to indicate' which should relax the requirement to
> enable the useragent to say 'the user didn't want me to indicate this
> to the webapp, so i didn't dispatch the event to it'.
> the same comment applies to the others:
> Again, a useragent needs to be able to have a legal opt out for the
> case where the user agent is being nice to the user.
> if i have hand trouble (i'm getting this), i need a conforming
> useragent to be able to not send out events when i don't really want
> to send out events, but am merely resting my pained hands.

I've changed all the events to say "A user agent must dispatch this 
event type to indicate when ..."; I don't like using "shall".

I don't believe this is enough to satisfy your requirement, however.  A 
touch device cannot know when you are simply resting your hand by 
intent, there must be some extenuating circumstances; a little fiddling 
touching my smartphone with various parts of my hand leads me to suspect 
that it detects the total area, or perhaps shape, of the touch point, 
and determines whether or not to register that as a valid touch. 
Perhaps we should put such a caveat in the spec?


-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, WebApps, and Web Events WGs

Received on Saturday, 29 January 2011 04:28:12 UTC