Getting Touch Events spec ready for First Public Working Draft; deadline April 26

Hi All,

In a few weeks, Doug and I will attend the W3C's biannual Advisory 
Committee meeting and that will provide us with an opportunity to 
discuss (promote) the Touch Events spec with various W3C Members. 
Because of that, as well as the requirement for us to periodically 
publish our work, I would to discuss what needs to be done to get this 
spec ready for the First Public Working Draft (FPWD).

Procedurally, the Process Document defines a FPWD [FPWD] and it states 
its purpose as "a signal to the community to begin reviewing the 
document". Additionally, since a FPWD starts an IP/patent Call for 
Exclusions [PP] period, ideally, a FPWD should be broad enough in scope 
(although not necessarily deep) to cover all of the functionality the 
group intends to include in the spec.

*As such, please consider this e-mail as a call for missing features. 
That is, if high priority features are not included in the spec, please 
identify those features as soon as you can and before our April 26 call. *

Please note the following re FPWD and WD publications (not including 
Last Call WDs):

* The group must agree to publish a WD but that does not necessarily 
mean everyone in the group agrees on the *contents* of the WD.

* The WDs may include Open issues. In fact, some WDs clearly indicate a 
request for comments on specific issues.



Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2011 18:02:15 UTC