Re: Comments on rotationAngle

On Apr/1/2011 1:10 PM, ext Matt Brubeck wrote:
> On 04/01/2011 09:56 AM, Matt Brubeck wrote:
>> Oops! I was a math major, and assumed that *everybody* knew that
>> positive angles are counter-clockwise:
>> But I see that other W3C specs are "backward," so I will change the
>> Touch Events spec to match them. :)
> To complicate matters, the InkML Candidate Recommendation defines pen 
> rotation in counter-clockwise degrees around the origin.  So now I'm 
> not sure.
> InkML is more closely related, as it is defining the shape of a pen 
> tip (including ellipses like the ones in the Touch Events spec). On 
> the other hand, CSS 2D Transforms and SVG are more widespread, and are 
> certain to be used alongside Touch Events.
> I'm leaning toward the CSS/SVG convention, so authors won't need to 
> flip angles around when translating touch areas into CSS or SVG 
> rotations to draw them on the screen.  Any comments?

In the absence of other info, I would favor consistency with CSS and SVG.


Received on Friday, 1 April 2011 19:17:38 UTC