What you can do to contribute to the webed community group

Hello, dear web education folk,

I hope you are well today.

A few new people have asked me in the last week or so what they can do to contribute, so I thought I would drop y'all a quick mail about it.

the blurb at the top of http://www.w3.org/community/webed/ briefly outlines the things we are aiming to do in this community group. The most important immediate task is creating more content for our resources, which are currently on the Wiki, at http://www.w3.org/community/webed/wiki/Main_Page.

Yes, it looks a bit ugly right now, but we will soon be provided with a nice looking publishing platform to put all this on, along with tools and other learning resources. Until then, I don't expect outreach work to really start properly, but we can still prepare material in readiness. You can:

1. Write new tutorials, along the lines of the proposed updates listed at

I really want people to write stuff about JavaScript and SVG as a priority (see relevant sections)

2. Write outlines for new sections of articles. I especially need people to spec out

* http://www.w3.org/community/webed/wiki/WSC_proposed_updates#Planned_New_section_to_replace_.22Web_Design_Concepts.22_-_to_be_called_.22Planning_a_web_site.22
* http://www.w3.org/community/webed/wiki/WSC_proposed_updates#Accessibility_specifics
* http://www.w3.org/community/webed/wiki/WSC_proposed_updates#Adaptive_design_and_development_for_Mobile_and_other_alternative_browsing_devices

As these have only been done very roughly and without much thought.

3. Write teaching materials, like the prototype I did - see http://www.w3.org/community/webed/wiki/Main_Page#Teaching_materials. The idea here would be to go through each course at http://www.w3.org/community/webed/wiki/Main_Page#Curriculum_structures and write a set of teaching materials for each learning competency.

Also, please do give me feedback on the new materials that I keep e-mailing around. And feel free to mail your own creations around for feedback!

There is also some translation activity going on - see


If you want to help translate our material into another language, please let us know!

And feel free to ask me any questions you like.

Chris Mills
Open standards evangelist and dev.opera.com editor, Opera Software
Co-chair, web education community group, W3C

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* Contribute to web education: http://www.w3.org/community/webed/

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2012 12:47:44 UTC