Re: A readers impression of the primer


I cross post this e-mail to the Web Education Community Group because it is
some what related to its activity (see:

2012/1/2 Traveler Hauptman <>

> I stumbled across the primer draft a couple days ago and I have a couple
> thoughts to contribute.
> Firstly, I found the material as it is now is very useful. I'm
> technical, a programmer and *nix sysadmin, but only interact with xml,
> html, and svg casually. The progression of the material worked for me
> and the mix of svg, javascript, and smil was particularly useful to me.

This kind of feedback is really helpful because there is plan to build an
SVG Cours at the WebEd CG.
So, it's good to know that the SVG Primer has the good structure. Thank you
very much.

> Second: With browser support changing every release, and the 'this is
> 2006 materal' caveat, the mismatch between claimed and actual browser
> support did not bother me.  However, if this document had been in a
> wiki, I would have done small edits it as I walked through it. My
> workload and mtv attention span allows for no more...

I strongly agree on that. As I said, the WebEd CG plan to work on a full
SVG cours. To know more about that, see :


A wiki setting for the book (moderated perhaps) would facilitate the
> authors goal of growth over time and contributions from the readers.

Yes, and if you already want to help building such a cours you will be more
than welcome to join the WebEd CG ;)

> My .02. David, thanks for writing this and making it available.

I take the opportunity to thank David to (^_^)

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Twitter : @JeremiePat <>

Received on Monday, 2 January 2012 15:32:57 UTC