Restructuring of the learning material Wiki

Hi all,

I've been in and restructured the web standards curriculum Wiki page - see

I removed everything that was half finished/in process/in idea form and put it on to the proposed updated page:

Can I ask anyone who has an interest to look over the different sections and fill them out with article ideas?

I am pretty proficient in the realm of HTML/CSS/Accessibility/Mobile, but I definitely want to find people to add ideas to: (especially SVG - please grab it and roll it out to it's own section. Doug? Jeremie?) (someone please grab Canvas and give it it's own section! Does anyone feel like writing any of these?) (I know a fair amount about a11y, but I'm sure Shawn and others on the list who know more than me can improve things)

Also feel free to add other ideas if you think anything is missing.

Chris Mills
Open standards evangelist and editor, Opera Software
Co-chair, web education community group, W3C

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Received on Friday, 30 September 2011 10:00:09 UTC