Algorithm aliasing and JWK algorithm names

I am not sure if the following is possible or even desirable.


Is there some sense in which the JWK algorithm names defined in can
be treated as alias names for the WebCrypto algorithms in the algorithm
normalization process?


One of the issues that I am seeing is that there is, in some sense,
information that is lost or not provided for some of the dictionary entries
on the JWK side but that are not on WebCrypto side.


For example, if I import a JWK key that has {"alg":"RS256",.} in it, this
means that the hash algorithm is, in theory, a fixed value.  However this is
not information that is currently defined for the RSA key generation
dictionary.  As such the value would not be visible as part of the
Key.algorithm since this is defined to return only the generation dictionary


I am also not sure how an export call is supposed to make the decision
between A128GCM and A128GCMKW (unless possibly there is some alias indicator
or we drop a hint of using keyusage as a distinguisher) when doing an export
using the jwk format. 




Received on Saturday, 1 February 2014 06:05:56 UTC