Re: [W3C Web Crypto WG] CfC : Call for Consensus on the integration of curve25519 in WG deliverables (please vote until the 26th of August)

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On 08/27/2014 02:03 AM, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Harry Halpin <>
> wrote:
> On 08/26/2014 08:39 PM, Ryan Sleevi wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 4:34 AM, Harry Halpin
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> My opinion is the same as Richard insofar as"We should agree
>>>> on the principle that we will support the next generation
>>>> curves that CFRG and TLS agree on, and work to support that
>>>> once it's decided." But we need to operationalize what we
>>>> mean by "support".
>>>> The choices are having that curve in the *extension specs*
>>>> versus *main spec*.  Given that all major browser vendors I
>>>> know of will implement the recommended set of curves from
>>>> CFRG to TLS and so exposing those to WebCrypto makes sense -
>>>> and given the liaison relationship between the IETF and W3C
>>>> and our commitment to harmonize as much as possible our specs
>>>> - it seems that that those recommended curves should be in
>>>> the main spec text.
>>>>> I strongly disagree with this, as it ignores quite a bit
>>>>> about how both browsers and standards work.
>>>>> Consider that TLS 1.2 was not implemented for years after
>>>>> it was standardized. Consider that the CFRG recommendation
>>>>> will be for TLS 1.3, which is
> growing
>>>>> in considerable complexity.
>>>>> Harry, just because a spec (which itself will have it's own
>>>>> timeline for review and discussion, and may change at any
>>>>> point) adopts something is
> not
>>>>> an argument, at all, for an entirely unrelated spec to do
>>>>> so.
>>>> Given that extensibility is still a bit blurry, it's hard to
>>>> claim we have a good solution for extension specs quite yet.
>>>> However, I also agree we can't wait around forever for CFRG.
>>>>> Which is precisely what extension specs are for. We didn't
>>>>> sit on CSS1 while waiting for VRML or WebGL to come along.
>>>> This in mind, we can move forward by either:
>>>> 1) Have a "placeholder" text for it as a "Feature at Risk".
>>>> The NUMS text could be that placeholder, with a note saying
>>>> that this may be removed/changed if TLS/CFRG do not recommend
>>>> NUMS.
>>>>> This is unacceptable. Placeholders in specs, particularly
>>>>> ones that
> favour
>>>>> any particular solution during ACTIVE DISCUSSION, are
>>>>> simply grossly inappropriate, especially for a spec at the
>>>>> maturity of Web Crypto, compared to the maturity of the
>>>>> discussions going on.
>>>>> So that it's clear that it's not NUMS specific, the
>>>>> objection is to
>>>>> any new features that are "FEATURES AT RISK". Anything,
>>>>> including
> anything
>>>>> in the spec today, that we believe is still a "feature at
>>>>> risk" is something we should be actively working towards
>>>>> moving to an extension
> spec.
>>>> and/or
>>>> 2) Go back to "Last Call" and add the recommended non-NIST
>>>> curve in later in the main spec text.
>>>>> Or 3), what's been said all along, which is "Add new curves
>>>>> as they
> become
>>>>> available, both in specification and implementation, and
>>>>> UAs are
> confident
>>>>> in the maturity such that they're willing to expose and
>>>>> support as an indefinite part of the Web platform"
>>>> I see no harm in either of these proposals and think either
>>>> would satisfy the problem. It's not as simple as adding in
>>>> NUMS or not. What we need is a commitment to support whatever
>>>> TLS/CFRG recommend.
>>>> If TLS/CFRG do *not* recommend a set of non-NIST curves by
>>>> the necessary timeline for WebCrypto (i.e. getting out of CR
>>>> by end of the year), in the first case we simply drop the
>>>> "Feature at Risk" and in the second case we simply do not go
>>>> back to "Last Call" but progress to Rec as normal.
>>>>> Frankly, a spec intentionally placing something that is
>>>>> unimplementable
>>>>> unspecifiable ("a placeholder") is unacceptable. A spec
>>>>> intentionally placing something that is known as "something
>>>>> we're probably going to rip out" - whether it be Curve25519
>>>>> or NUMS - is unacceptable.
> However, it appears that simply ignoring the issue of non-NIST
> curves in the main text spec is also unacceptable to Microsoft and
> a good deal of real-world developers. So let's find a reasonable
> position we can all agree on that shows that we have a firm
> commitment to non-NIST curves but allows us to continue progress.
> My proposal is that the WebCrypto WG make a firm commit to honor
> the desire for a non-NIST curve in the main spec text *regardless*
> of our internal timing for transition to Rec.
>> You're asking the WG to make a firm commitment to something that
>> is neither standardized nor defined.
>> That cannot be done, and I hope you realize the sort of process
>> violation it would be encouraging.

It's fairly standard IETF and W3C liaison work to make commitments to
each other, which is done quite frequently when IETF and W3C have
common concerns. See current work around URLs.

Having that commitment on record of such a decision to work with IETF
to find the bets possible resolution to the rather contentious ECC
curve debate might be one of the ways out of the current legitimate
demand for a non-NIST ECC curves.

Of course, I'd also be happy to see the NIST ECC curves removed and
put in an "extension spec" tied to the main spec that could progress
to Rec track at the same time. That would at least put all curves on
equal footing in version 1.0 of the Web Crypto spec and prevent this
In that regard, it might help then we would also help the WG taking
the "extension mechanism" very seriously rather than having it as a
"second-class" citizen, which is what I think BAL's concern is re
putting NUMS as an extension.

Would you agree to that Ryan?

> In the case that these are *not* ready by the time we get to 
> transition out of CR into PR, then we simply update the main spec
> to have a non-NIST curve *after* Rec. If somehow they do resolve
> before we leave CR, then we just go back to Last Call. Having a
> "feature at risk" in the spec here makes sense so that developers
> know we are watching the space and are ready to act ASAP, but it is
> not strictly necessary.
>> Harry, you know an extension spec is equally viable for acting
>> ASAP. The WebApps WG is perfectly capable of demonstrating this
>> if you need historic examples of new features, such as Service
>> Workers, that can be explored rapidly.
> If the spec is past PR and we can't go back to Last Call, then
> we'd just make it WebCrypto version 1.1 and put the CFRG/TLS
> non-NIST curve in the main spec text then.
> Of course, if CFRG/TLS discussion - or if the CFRG/TLS
> recommendations are such that that browser vendors never implement
> - never resolves then we never update the spec.
> I suggest then we inform CFRG and TLS about our formal dependency
> on their decision with the above plan of action. I believe this
> would resolve the open issue for support non-NIST curves, although
> I am not sure if it would resolve BAL's objections.
>> Let's be clear: I object to this formal dependency. I think you
>> will be speaking for yourself, and not the consensus of this WG,
>> precisely because we lack consensus.
> In lieu of this, an extension spec for Curve 25519 need to go
> forward as well along with double-checking extensibility. Regarding
> how this fits in with BAL's objection to the CfC, IMHO a formal
> vote should be taken on the NUMS proposal and more discussion on
> the point re the algorithm parameters for curves, where again we
> have a Google and Microsoft disagreement.
> cheers, harry
>>>> I'm happy to check in with TLS/CFRG on the timeline and tell
>>>> them we are considering an official dependency with them.
>>>> Note in the long-run having the spec being extensible is
>>>> exceedingly important, as regardless of the non-NIST curves
>>>> recommended by CFRG, various governments and other folks will
>>>> want their own crypto algorithms. In this regard, the only
>>>> other issue holding us from going out of CR is likely the
>>>> lack of clarity over extension specs. While the spec does
>>>> note that "This algorithm must be extensible, so as to allow
>>>> new cryptographic algorithms to be added" there is little 
>>>> guidance after that.
>>>> cheers, harry
>>>> On 08/25/2014 05:32 PM, GALINDO Virginie wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all, This is a kind reminder that this thread is
>>>>>>> still live until tomorrow. If you have some opinion to
>>>>>>> give, it is now. There was already an objection to that
>>>>>>> resolution [1], but this is not a reason for not
>>>>>>> answering to it. Any feedback will help the chair to 
>>>>>>> evaluate endorsement/rejection/alternative to that
>>>>>>> resolution. Regards, Virginie
>>>>>>> [1]
From: GALINDO Virginie [] Sent:
>>>>>>> mardi 12 août 2014 15:22 To:
>>>>>>> Cc:;; Wendy Seltzer
>>>>>>> Subject: [W3C Web Crypto WG] CfC : Call for Consensus
>>>>>>> on the integration of curve25519 in WG deliverables
>>>>>>> (please vote until the 26th of August)
>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>> I would like to call for consensus on the way we will
>>>>>>> move forward with the contribution provided by Trevor
>>>>>>> Perrin describing Curve25519 operation [1]. We
>>>>>>> discussed several options and I would like to submit
>>>>>>> the following resolution to your vote.
>>>>>>> Proposed resolution : the WG agrees on the principle
>>>>>>> that Curve25519 will be added to Web Crypto WG
>>>>>>> deliverables as an extension to the Web Crypto API
>>>>>>> specification. An extension being here a separate
>>>>>>> specification having its own Recommendation Track.
>>>>>>> Deadline : votes have to be expressed expected until
>>>>>>> 26th of August 23:59 UTC Guideline for voting : reply
>>>>>>> to all to this mail, indicating, +1 if you agree with
>>>>>>> the resolution, -1 means if you object, 0 if you can
>>>>>>> live with it. While silence means implicit endorsement
>>>>>>> of the resolution, explicit expression of vote is 
>>>>>>> encouraged, to help the chair measuring the enthusiasm
>>>>>>> of the WG participants.
>>>>>>> Note the following additional information :
>>>>>>> -          This extension will be used as a beta test
>>>>>>> for the extensibility mechanism that we need to address
>>>>>>> as raised in bug 25618
>>>>>>> -          The proposed editor is Trevor, as long as
>>>>>>> Trevor agrees to maintain the document
>>>>>>> -          This resolution does not imply that the
>>>>>>> draft submitted by Trevor is endorsed in its current
>>>>>>> state, as the WG did not have a chance to discuss the
>>>>>>> content. The discussion about that content can be
>>>>>>> conducted over the mailing list, or during a dedicated
>>>>>>> call, where we will invite Trevor.
>>>>>>> Have a great week ! Virginie Chair of the Web Crypto
>>>>>>> WG
>>>>>>> [1]
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Received on Wednesday, 27 August 2014 00:16:33 UTC