RE: ISSUE 22 - Re: Incomplete blocks

Thanks Ryan, this is exactly the information we were looking for during our call, I 'd suggest we close the streaming URI issue, then, and progress on the incomplete block aspects. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Sleevi [] 
Sent: lundi 25 février 2013 19:25
To: GALINDO Virginie
Cc: Eric Rescorla; Richard Barnes;;; Aymeric Vitte
Subject: Re: ISSUE 22 - Re: Incomplete blocks

Hi Virginie,

I went over the minutes from the last call, but the question you pose in this message is not clear from the minutes.

Certainly, "incomplete blocks" != "streaming URIs", so I wholly and strongly support closing this issue, in favour of providing a clear and narrow scope of whatever the problem is regarding incomplete blocks.

Again, this issue is completely independent of any progressive mode of operation - this is a question of implementation for different implementation means for a progressive mode of operation, not how such a progressive mode would behave.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 8:20 AM, GALINDO Virginie <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> We tried during our last call to close the issue 18 related to crypto 
> operation, mentioning the streaming operation based on URI semantic 
> [see issue description under] .
> Some folks mentioned that the conversation about the incomplete blocks 
> may be also related to it.
> Could you confirm if 'incomplete block' relates to issue 18 ? or is an 
> independent threat ?
> Regards,
> Virginie
> From: Aymeric Vitte []
> Sent: lundi 18 février 2013 11:58
> To: Eric Rescorla
> Cc: Ryan Sleevi; Richard Barnes;
> Subject: Re: ISSUE 22 - Re: Incomplete blocks
> Le 17/02/2013 16:05, Eric Rescorla a écrit :
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 2:09 AM, Aymeric Vitte 
> <>
> wrote:
> Yes, let's see what Ryan says but :
> - ISSUE-22 still apply to hash (maybe a finish that does not really 
> finish instead of a clone ?)
> Hashes and dencryption aren't the same.
> I know...
> - I thought I understood that process could emit different progress as 
> mentioned below, then maybe I can not know exactly when the last data 
> have been consumed
> Yes, i am saying that I think that that process should behave 
> deterministically.
> If different progress are emitted, for ctr it's easy to know when all 
> data have been consumed but maybe not for other modes.
> - case of encryption with padding (does it make sense to have 
> progressive encryption in that case ?)
> Yes.
> Then ISSUE-22 is about encryption too.
> -Ekr
> Regards,
> Le 16/02/2013 20:47, Eric Rescorla a écrit :
> Aymeric,
> If I understand the problem correctly, my view matches what I think 
> Ryans is, namely
> that the API should guarantee that as many bytes of data be consumed 
> as possible
> by the encryption and decryption process. Specifically:
> - For stream and counter mode ciphers if X bytes are supplied, X bytes 
> are output.
> - For block ciphers, if X bytes are supplied X * floor(X/blocksize) 
> are output.
> Obviously, any AEAD mode cipher will need a finalize method of somesort.
> -Ekr
> On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Aymeric Vitte 
> <>
> wrote:
> Let's try again and let's try to simplify :
> My encryption algorithm is processing 4 blocks  :
> stream 1 : AABBCCDDEE --> final : aabbccddee stream 2 : FFGGHHIIJJ --> 
> final : ffgghhiijj
> stream 1 + stream 2: AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJ --> final :
> Now, progressive encryption :
> "openssl"
> stream 1 : AABBCCDDEE --> update : AA_BB_CC_DD_EE_ stream 2 : 
> FFGGHHIIJJ --> update : FF_GG_HH_II_JJ_ (second result is the stream2 
> part of stream1+stream2 encrypted above
> "cryptoJS"
> stream 1 : AABBCCDDEE --> update : AA_BB_CC_DD_ stream 2 : FFGGHHIIJJ 
> --> update : EE_FF_GG_HH_ So that's not the expected results, the 
> workaround is :
> "cryptoJS"
> stream 1 : AABBCCDDEE --> update : AA_BB_CC_DD_--> clone and call final:
> stream 2 : FFGGHHIIJJ --> clone.update : EE_FF_GG_HH_ --> clone2 and 
> call, result is stream2 bytes of the result (last 5) : 
> But you mention : "Under the model, process always consumes all of the 
> data given to it."
> Then cryptoJS looks not correct. Now as far as I understand process 
> could emit different progress for the same operation (AA_BB_CC_DD_, 
> then EE_), then it's not clear how I can know when all data have been consumed.
> But cryptoJS mentioned that in the case of padding:"Since CryptoJS 
> might need to apply a padding, it can't encrypt any partial blocks 
> until it knows whether it's the last block. Calling finalize() is how 
> CryptoJS knows there are no more blocks coming, and it can then 
> process the remaining partial block."
> So in that case you call final and you close the progressive 
> encryption that you can not recover unless using a clone like method.
> I am not a fan of clone too, as you say it introduces security issues, 
> for now that's the workaround I have used both for hash and cryptoJS 
> encryption because I had no other choice.
> Now, if "Under the model, process always consumes all of the data 
> given to it.", and padding case of cryptoJS does not apply for 
> progressive encryption and I can know from progress when all data have 
> been consumed, then there is indeed no problem.
> The issue here came from the fact that cryptoJS's update does not 
> consume all data, and I just didn't know if it was "authorized" or 
> not, but you say it's not.
> Regards,
> Le 16/02/2013 01:03, Ryan Sleevi a écrit :
> I'm sorry, I've read this several times, and the related bug, and am 
> still having trouble what you're asking about or why you feel .clone() 
> is appropriate here.
> .clone() is something especially dangerous for encryption, given that 
> for most systems, it will result in a catastrophic failure (eg: due to 
> IV reuse).
> // Using pseudo-code here, not the actual API var a = 
> window.crypto.encrypt(..., {... { iv: 1 } }) a.process('abcd');  // 
> Encrypts under IV 1, Increments IV to 2 var b = a.clone();  // b.iv == 
> 2 a.process('efgh');  // Encrypts under IV 2, increments IV to 3 
> b.process('ijlk');  // Encrypts under **IV 2**, increments IV to **3**
> In this case, a and b have no collided under IVs for the same key.
> Very, very bad things happen.
> Under the model, process always consumes all of the data given to it.
> As best I can tell, this is your "OpenSSL" example. But it's not clear 
> at all based on your description, so it would be helpful if you could 
> try to simplify your example with the actual primitives needed.
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:43 PM, Aymeric Vitte 
> <>
> wrote:
> Let's try... basically I am saying that ISSUE 22 is not only about 
> hash but encryption too and the conclusion should be that a clone 
> method should be added.
> cryptoJS behaviour is a good example, as stated in issue 73, update 
> does not process all the blocks even if it could (ie no padding), you 
> have to call final to get all the blocks processed.
> But other implementations like openssl do not behave the same, update 
> does return all the blocks processed.
> Then for example, if you take a progressive encryption like tor 
> protocol with aes-ctr :
> openssl : stream1  (509 bytes) --> update --> stream1 encrypted 
> (result=509 bytes encrypted - 0 byte remaining) cryptoJS : stream 1 
> (509 bytes) --> update -->  stream 1 encrypted
> (result=496 bytes encrypted - 13 bytes remaining)
> openssl : stream2  (509 bytes) --> update --> continue encryption with 
> 0 remaining byte - result = 509 bytes (corresponds to the last 509 
> bytes of
> stream1+stream2 encrypted - 0 byte remaining)
> cryptoJS : stream 2 (509 bytes) --> update --> continue encryption 
> with 13 remaining bytes - result = 512 bytes (corresponds to the last 
> 512 bytes of
> 496 bytes of stream1+13 remaining bytes+ part of stream2 (499 bytes) 
> encrypted - 10 bytes remaining)
> So, with the cryptoJS behaviour, only 496 bytes of the initial 509 
> bytes would be encrypted and sent, then stream2 would contain the 13 
> last encrypted bytes of stream1 + 499 encrypted bytes of stream2.
> Of course, since each stream might not contain only pure streamed 
> information (like file, img, etc) but can contain instructions (like 
> encrypted(connect to, you do not expect to receive 
> these instructions in different parts that you can not reconciliate, 
> and you can not wait for stream2 if you detect that stream1 encryption 
> is not complete, because stream2 might depend on stream1 action, therefore never come.
> If you call final at each step, then you close the encryptor and just 
> get
> stream1 encrypted, then stream2 encrypted (not last 509 bytes of
> stream1+stream2 encrypted), etc
> The solution here is issue 74, ie clone.
> I did not invent it, that's the way it's working with tor protocol, I 
> have some hard time understanding why the stream length chosen is not 
> a multiple of something that could be computed by an update without 
> any potential remaining bytes, or what is the official policy for 
> update (should it return whatever blocks it can process or not), but 
> that's the way it is, and again it's not something from myself.
> Regards,
> Le 15/02/2013 19:49, Ryan Sleevi a écrit :
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 5:55 AM, Aymeric Vitte 
> <>
> wrote:
> This reminds me that I should have sent an erratum of my erratum sent 
> for the encryption case related to Issue 22.
> See , issue 
> addressed to cryptoJS and finally accepted.
> And see following issue (clone) :
> This is a real life use case, current implementation of cryptoJS, 
> contrarly to others, does not process all blocks when it can on 
> "update", then you have to call "final" which closes the encryptor 
> (same as finish below).
> I don't know who is right or wrong and if there is an official rule 
> for this, but it does not seem unlogical that cryptoJS "update" 
> returns a partial result (same as Ryan explained for process/progress 
> results which are let to the appreciation of the UA), even if other 
> implementations do return "final".
> But then I can not achieve what I want to do, and I must use a clone 
> method for this.
> So, Issue 22 can be about encryption too, probably a clone method is 
> needed.
> I'm sorry Aymeric, but having both read your reply and the bug, I'm 
> having trouble understanding what it is you're actually asking or 
> suggesting is a bug, nor what you're trying to do (or if it even makes 
> sense from a cryptographic security perspective).
> Could you perhaps try restating?
> --
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Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 14:22:20 UTC