RE: Low-Level API naming (was: Strawman proposal for the low-level API)

As a data point: CNG supports duplication of a hash/MAC or symmetric key in the PROCESSING state (see BCryptDuplicateHash and BCryptDuplicateKey functions). It also supports the particular use case of HMAC that you mention, with the BCRYPT_HASH_REUSABLE_FLAG to BCryptCreateHash.

That said, I think we need to watch for scope creep here. It is not clear to me that ipad/opad expansion would really show up at all except as noise in the performance of browser-based JS. Perhaps we should defer this discussion until after we have nailed down the basic crypto operations in a FPWD? It can always be added later if needed.

From: Ryan Sleevi []<mailto:[]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 1:15 PM
To: Wan-Teh Chang
Cc: Vijay Bharadwaj; Lu HongQian Karen;<>; David Dahl
Subject: Re: Low-Level API naming (was: Strawman proposal for the low-level API)

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Wan-Teh Chang <<>> wrote:
Re: the clone() method

For the NSS C crypto library, I remember crypto operation contexts are
only cloned in the SSL/TLS implementation, and only hash contexts are
cloned (for the handshake message hashes).

The clone methods are backed by the underlying PKCS #11
C_GetOperationState and C_SetOperationState methods.


I think there are two types of .clone() we're talking about.

Karen's example, as interpreted by Vijay, demonstrates using .clone() to clone initialization parameters, but not necessarily state. That is, .clone() always happened after an error.

In terms of state machine, it would be:

.clone() transitions an object from [COMPLETE, ERROR] back to UN-INIT, which allows it to be re-initialized, with an entirely new context (eg: no saved state)

The example you provide allows .clone() to happen at both the INIT and the PROCESSING states (eg: when there is some cryptographic state in the buffer). Perhaps the best example of this is HMAC. For performance reasons, it's "nice" to clone to the internal ipad/opad state, after they have been initialized with the key data, rather than having to keep the actual keying material around.

I'm not sure whether this second form is something that is reliably implemented across various cryptographic libraries. If the underlying implementation did not, and clonability at the PROCESSING stage was included, than either an UA implementation would likely to have to track all of the data up to that point, so that it can properly .clone(), or .clone() would have to sometimes fail. If .clone() is not implemented, or may conditionally fail, then it's likely that either no application will use .clone(), or they will try to synthesize their own .clone(), keeping track of all state at the application layer.

.clone() from the [COMPLETE, ERROR] stage (eg: as I understand Karen-via-Vijay to be proposing) is something "fine", in as much as it's just caching initialization parameters.

Functionally, I suspect the following pseudo-code examples are equivalent:
  // Example 1
  var b = a.clone();

  // Example 2
  // If the CryptoOperation exposes properties about its creation
  var b = a.operation(a.algorithm, a.key);

  // Example 3
  var someCurriedFactoryFunction = window.crypto.encrypt.apply([a.algorithm, a.key]);
  var a = someCurriedFactoryFunction();
  var b = someCurriedFactoryFunction();

If the above is true, then an implementation could implement CrypoOperation.clone() simply by having the creation function (eg: window.crypto.encrypt) curry itself into the CryptoOperation's prototype.

Received on Saturday, 21 July 2012 00:38:40 UTC