W3C Web Crypto WG - some news about our next heartbeat

Dear all,

The W3C staff, editors and chair had a short call yesterday to define the scope of the next heartbeat publication. We came to the conclusion that the heartbeat will be : 
- a new WD of the Web Crypto API (so called Low Level API) including various minor comments related to functional aspects. 
- a first version of the Use Cases

Discussing about the milestones to reach this heartbeat before the end of the year, we decided the following milestones 
- on the 10th of Dec call : proposed documents would be presented to the WG for review. 
- the WG will have one week to comment and suggest alternative text (if needed). 
- on the 17th of Dec extra call : final version of documents will be presented, in order to make the decision to go for publication.

Editors of those specifications agreed to make the effort to have a WD publication for the 24th of December (Christmas gift to the web community ☺). This plan will not work if you do not actively participate, so please take time to read the specifications when editors will announce it over the mailing, and prepare comments (if any) to support the great work they are performing for our WG.

Chair of the Web Crypto WG

Received on Tuesday, 4 December 2012 16:51:45 UTC