Re: crypto-ISSUE-29 (block modes): Handling of block encryption modes and padding [Web Cryptography API]

The Algorithm for a Key and the Algorithm for a CryptoOperation
probably should be allowed to differ.

For example, we may want an AES key whose algorithm is simply "AES",
and only specify the mode of operation (CBC, CTR, or GCM) in the
algorithm of a CryptoOperation.  Whether the mode of operation is
specified as part of the algorithm name or as an algorithm parameter
doesn't matter to me.

As another example, the hash algorithm used in a signature doesn't
seem to be a parameter of a Key algorithm, but must be a parameter of
the CryptoOperation algorithm. An ECDSA P-256 key should be able to
generate signatures with SHA-256 and SHA-512/256.

So, Key algorithms and CryptoOperation algorithms probably should be
drawn from two different name spaces.


Received on Thursday, 23 August 2012 01:43:29 UTC