Re: Follow-up. Re: Use case: Authenticate using eID

On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 1:38 PM, Aymeric Vitte <> wrote:
> Le 13/05/2013 20:38, Arun Ranganathan a écrit :
>> On May 13, 2013, at 1:49 PM, Aymeric Vitte wrote:
>>> I have suggested too :
>>> To be more clear, only a combination of link above and links below is
>>> feasible, and that's not a hack, neither a hook, that's the web.
>> +1, but bookmarklet use here cannot possibly be good and so shouldn't be
>> considered a viable answer to Mountie's question :-(
> Mountie's, Karen's or others, I am not saying that's a fantastic solution
> (as well as iframes uses), but I don't see another one.
>>> And I believe "super cookie" is not the web, but you can consider
>>> indexedDB as a mega cookie.
>> Any client-side storage mechanism can be invoked by colluding origins for
>> different purposes, but the difference is that you don't get HTTP behavior
>> or XHR in withCredentials mode (but you knew that).  If they aren't in
>> collusion, then it's likely to be a hack.
> In another email, you wrote "2. The key can be shared with origin 2 via
> cross-origin messaging."
> (, I
> don't see how CORS could apply here, withCredentials or not, CORS is only
> about sending/receiving things to/from other origins and sharing some
> stringyfiable things or cookies uses, you can not share keys, the best you
> can do is to send some information to allow another origin to find the keys.
> Maybe I am missing something but what is the idea here?

Cross-origin messaging != CORS

Cross-origin messaging = postMessage, which takes structured clonable
objects (eg: including keys)

>>> I have not thought a lot to eID case, maybe a more detailed example
>>> including requirements/restrictions could help to try writing it and see if
>>> it's feasible as such.
>> Depending if the eID use case can work within a "cooperating origins"
>> model (to be contrasted with collusion), we may have something here.  If
>> not, I defer to Nick VDB:
> What is unclear for me in the eID example is what is secret and what is not.
> I have read several time Nick's description, maybe something a little bit
> more detailed could help.
>> -- A*
> --
> jCore
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Received on Monday, 13 May 2013 20:43:38 UTC