changing the telecon day?

All, but especially Dieter & Thierry --

We have discussed this and everyone seems okay with it, except Dieter & 
Thierry haven't yet been in the discussions.

How about if we move our telecon slot from Thursday 11am ET to Wednesday 
11am ET?

Right now, we have this situation.  Though we (the WG) have our slot every 
week, we only meet every-other Thursday, unless extra-heavy work 
load.  Same with the TC -- they meet every-other Wednesday in the off weeks 
when we don't meet.  So with the new proposal, it would be:

WG:  11am ET Wednesday of Week 1, 3, 5, 7, ...
TC:  10am ET Wednesday of Week 2, 4, 6, 8, ...

TC schedule is unchanged.  So then your calendar would have a telecon every 
Wednesday morning, at staggered hours, instead of Thurs-Wed-Thurs-Wed-... 
at staggered hours.

What if one of the groups (WG or TC) need to meet every week, because of 
heavy workload?  Well, the 1-hour slots don't overlap (but 1-1/2 
would).  And in any case, it would seem most likely if one group was in 
heavy-work mode, the other would not be (i.e., no problem to cancel the other.)


(It has to be unanimous before we will do this.)


Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2009 22:27:05 UTC