new editor's draft available

Hi All,

This draft [1], I believe, correctly implements all resolutions of Last 
Call comments, per our now-fully-approved DoC [2].  See the "Change log" 
[3] for a complete list of all changes.  You can download the document as a 
ZIP file [4].

What next?

I think we should resolve at next telecon to publish this in /TR/ as a 
Working Draft (after validating, fixing SoTD, etc).  As we discussed, the 
"heartbeat requirement" suggests that we should publish now (4 months after 
the LC was published), rather than accumulate more fixes.

Thierry, does this sound like the right next step?

This will be the end of our (1st) LC phase and the beginning of our planned 
intra-WG spec development phase, while implementations catch up.

(Btw, it might not be a bad idea to have some quality control before WD 
publication-- each WG member take 3-4 DoC issues and verify correct 
implementation in the spec. text.  What do you think?)



Received on Monday, 19 January 2009 19:52:20 UTC