WebCGM 2.1 status; next telecon

Hello WebCGM WG --

First, tomorrow (12/30) is our next normal telecon slot.  I can't recall if 
we cancelled that already, but ... it is cancelled.

WebCGM 2.1 Status:  Two necessary preliminary ballots have passed in OASIS 
(as expected).  This means, according to the terms of the MoU, that 
progression can resume in W3C.  Thierry and I have conferred and we aim to 
have the PR review start in mid-January.

In OASIS, the final ballot for OASIS Standard (OS) is expected to happen in 
February.  Given a 1-month PR review in W3C, sometime in March is the best 
estimate for simultaneous publication of REC and OS.


Received on Wednesday, 30 December 2009 02:06:52 UTC