Re: WebCGM 2.0 appendix progress


Yes there will be a WebCGM telecon tomorrow. I will Chair as Lofton is 

We will discuss your latest issues about the appendix. Please join the 

Thursday, 11:00am-12:30pm/15:00-16:30 UTC
Zakim bridge +1 617-761-6200 (US) + (France) with 
passcode "932246" ("WEBCGM").

The IRC channel is "#webcgm".

The agenda is available at



  Gilman wrote:
> Thanks the  latest revision.
> ** on the product
> Based on discussion at our F2F, the PFWG has this response:
> <quote>
> The WebCGM group has made tremendous strides toward advancing its
> accessibility in version 2.0 with the addition of grouping and text
> alternatives and we recommend that the specification be taken
> forward. This release closes the gap between the current
> accessibility features that are provided in SVG and Web CGM. Before
> final sign off on the appendix, we would like clarification as to how
> the user can change the colors of WebCGM documents to address issues
> such as high contrast for low vision and changes for color blindness.
> These are addressed in SVG through the use of styling.

> Going forward we should work together to address user-defined
> navigation schemes, possibly through the use of the XCF extension.
> The ODF Accessibility Subcommittee has developed this for ODF 1.1
> presentations. Finally, by closing the gap between WebCGM and SVG our
> team can begin to address integration of semantics of presentations
> which we plan in future rechartering of the Protocols and Formats
> Working Group.
> </quote>
> In addition there is one editorial issue. In the text of paragraph
> E.3 there is a symbolic reference "[WCAG10]" to the Web Content
> Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. This should be a hyperlink. Sorry, this
> was my omission in the material I submitted.
> ** on the process
> Will there be a telecon tomorrow? I believe Lofton is unavailable.

> I think that the hyperlink is a simple matter that doesn't require
> discussion. We might want to talk about the "how the user can change
> the colors" question above. We talked during the earlier telecon
> about getting the rationale or basis for the color coding covered in
> the built-in metadata. It is one of the things required by UAAG,
> "Guideline 4. Ensure user control of rendering."
> It's not something that we took explicit note of yet in the appendix.
> There may or may not be something short and sweet we should add, or
> it may just be in the bucket of working with implementers to bring up
> "delivery of web service" chains that afford this capability. The
> mumble words are to allow for the possibility that either client side
> adaptation or middleware reprocessing options could be the first to
> the field with this capability.
> Al

Thierry Michel

Received on Wednesday, 20 September 2006 18:39:21 UTC