Re: WebCGM 2.0 spec.: broken links.

Thanks Thierry.  I will fix these.  I'll be away for most of the rest of 
today, but will then be working on the spec a lot.

It is my intention to create a directory, 
../WebCGM/drafts/current-editors/, into which I can transfer my editing for 
pubrules checking, link checking, etc.  Does that sound okay?  It will be 
constantly changing, as opposed to a dated subdirectory like 


p.s.  I just checked.  My jigedit account is still not active.  I tried 
SaveAs from Amaya, 
it said something like "not found", which is what it says if the account 
doesn't exist.

At 02:27 PM 6/1/2006 +0200, Thierry MICHEL wrote:
>I have checked  the WebCGM 2.0 spec.
>There are a few broken links/Broken fragments
>Could you fix those bugs.
>Use the following link which reports the errors
>(Errors in red must be fixed)
>Don't worry about these 3
>This will be resolved at publication.
>Thierry Michel

Received on Thursday, 1 June 2006 13:46:50 UTC