Re: [webauthn] Split RP ops "Registering a new credential" into one with and one without attestation (#1710)

Yeah, the critical piece to realize is that all WebAuthn credentials are "trust on first use" (TOFU) keys. Even with attestation, it is indeed possible for a malicious script to replace the public key and attestation statement during registration, and thus have the attacker's key registered instead of the victim's key. We touch on this in [13.4.4. Attestation Limitations]( in the Security Considerations section.

What attestation does is provide a way for the authenticator to prove to the RP what _kind_ of authenticator it is. That proof could eliminate the possibility of software-generated malicious keys, but a malicious script could still in theory call out a remote server to generate an attestation statement using a genuine authenticator on the RP's allow list. At best the RP could display a name and/or image of the authenticator as identified by the attestation statement, which could allow attentive users to notice if there's a discrepancy. But even then the attacker's remote server could have an array of authenticators of different brands and models to account for that too. And of course, [self attestation]( is always susceptible to tampering since by definition there's no way to link the attestation key to any established root of trust.

So yeah, the registration ceremony is a [leap of faith](, with or without attestation. But assuming one was completed securely, any subsequent authentication ceremonies are highly resistant to tampering since at that point there is an established trust relationship with a particular credential public key. You cannot know with certainty who the public key came from during registration, but you can know with certainty that an authentication signature came from _the same_ key pair as was registered.

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