re: bikeshed and merged docs

thanks for doing this Dirk :)

 > I converted the remaining two docs (signature-format and
 > key-attestation) to bikeshed format, and then merged (basically
 > concatenated) the three docs into one.
 > It's in a branch 'doc-merge'
 > (, and it works like
 > this:
 > - index.src.html: the combined bikeshed source for all three docs
 > - biblio.json: the bibliography
 > - Makefile: the Makefile that shows how to invoke bikeshed
 > - index.html: the bikeshed output.

ok, and the above files are in the top-level repo directory, rather than in 
a subdirectory.

 > I haven't removed the three sources in webauth-key-attestation,
 > webauthn-signature-format, and webauthn-web-api yet (even in that branch),
 > so people can check out the branch, run diffs etc., to see what I did.
 > bikeshed (at least the version I have) runs without warnings/errors on
 > this, but that doesn't mean that currently all the cross-references are
 > well-formed. Let me know if this looks good to people. If so, I'll nuke
 > the three old subdirectories (webauth-key-attestation,
 > webauthn-signature-format, and webauthn-web-api) and pull this into
 > master, at which point the hard work of polishing this can begin.

sounds good/fine


Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2016 16:57:18 UTC