Re: returning a multi-factor authenticator's factor-in-use and protection scheme to the server

Hi Rahul,

Is what you're looking for not included in the attestation?

Malcolm Young

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 10:33 AM, Ghosh, Rahuldeva <> wrote:

> Folks,
> A bit late in the party but wondering if the following query has been
> discussed before or is covered in the WebAuthn spec already.
> This is for the scenario where a single WebAuthn authenticator supports
> multiple user verification methods, each possibly with different security
> properties – e.g. pin verification *without* IO or TEE protection, and,
> fingerprint verification *with* IO and TEE protection. Such an
> authenticator will have multiple metadata statements for each
> userVerificationDetails-keyProtection-matcherProtection combo.
> Given the difference in factor types and protection mechanisms Relying
> Parties will likely be interested in the user verification method and
> protection scheme that actually got used to execute a makeCredential() or
> getAssertion() request, especially for the latter. I can’t find a
> documented way in the current spec to get this information in either
> scopedCredentialInfo or webAuthnAssertion.
> If this is not covered in the spec then it would be worth it to allow for
> the authenticator to provide this info to the RP, either in the core APIs
> themselves or in a published extension so RP’s webAuthn server can request
> for this data.
> Seems like the UVI extension was meant to do this but as currently defined
> has no spec-ed format, so is not really of much use to the server.
> Interested to see if others have an opinion on this.
> Warm Regards,
> Rahul
> ---------------------------------------
> Rahul Ghosh
> Senior Staff Architect
> Platform Security Division
> Intel Corporation
> ---------------------------------------

Received on Friday, 22 July 2016 20:38:37 UTC