API consumer question: How do we recover Credential?

I'm working my head through using WebAuthn for a U2F-like use case and hit
a snag: What are the right ways to serialize and deserialize the
Credentials which come from makeCredential(), so we have them handy for

The Credential interface in WebIDL consists of two read-only attributes; I
don't believe it's possible to deserialize something to match that
interface using JSON.parse(), but I could be wrong.

Let me walk through a sketch of this, just for everyone's reference. Note:
the JS is imperfect, and I didn't do all the necessary incantations for
IndexedDB -- it's just a sketch. :)

(It's online / colorized here: https://jsfiddle.net/ad3ssofo/5/ )

First, we need to make a new credential:

/* Called when a new authenticator is being added to the account */
function addAuthenticator(account, params, challenge) {
  let wauthn = navigator.authentication;
  wauthn.makeCredential(account, params, challenge)
    .then(function(scopedCred) {
      /* Send the Scoped Cred info to the RP */

      /* Cache in IndexedDB */
      let dbReq = window.indexedDB.open("appDB", 1);

      dbReq.onsuccess = function() {
          let db = DBOpenRequest.result;
          let objectStore = db.createObjectStore("credStore");
          objectStore.put(scopedCred.credential, "credential");

...which calls the stub:

/* Send the scoped credential data to the RP */
function transmitCredToRP(scopedCred) {
  let serialized = JSON.stringify(scopedCred);
  /* send(serialized); */

All's well, so far, I guess. There's no reason a Scoped Credential can't be
serialized to JSON. When we go to generate the assertion though:

/* Called when an authenticator is being asked to prove possession */
function authenticate(serializedCredential) {
  let wauthn = navigator.authentication;

  let whitelist = [];
  /* Decode a Credential from a serialized form from the RP */

  /* Maybe could also come via IndexedDB? */
  let dbReq = window.indexedDB.open("appDB", 1);

  dbReq.onsuccess = function() {
      let db = DBOpenRequest.result;
      let objectStore = db.createObjectStore("credStore");

  /* Whitelist is optional, but if it's not provided, how would
     a U2F-type authenticator obtain its' private key? */
  wauthn.getAssertion(challenge, whitelist)
    .then(function(assertion) {
      /* Transmit the assertion object to the RP */

...which uses the stubs:

/* Send the assertion data to the RP */
function transmitAssertionToRP(assertion) {
  let serialized = JSON.stringify(assertion);
  /* send(serialized); */

/* Deserialize a Credential object from the RP for re-use */
function deserializeCredential(serializedCredential) {
  /* DOES THIS WORK? Or do we need a constructor? */
  let credentialObj = JSON.parse(serializedCredential);
  return credentialObj;

So the problems I'm hitting here are:

   1. How do we want people to serialize/deserialize Credential objects?
   2. For getAssertion(), whitelist is optional. But without it, how would
   U2F-style authenticators get their wrapped private key to do work?

Where's my thinking flawed?


Received on Wednesday, 13 July 2016 23:20:31 UTC