Re: WebAssembly and Bytecode question

Hi Jean;

I'm a Java developer and I try to relate WebAssembly from my viewpoint :)

For example;

Java Source ------> Java Source AST -------> Java ByteCode
JS Source   -------> WebAssembly    --------> ???

What is the thing in question mark ?

Thanks :)

2016-01-25 19:27 GMT+02:00 Beyler, Jean Christophe <>:

> Dear Rahman,
> From what I’ve seen, the binary format is still not defined so what the
> final format will be is difficult to tell.
> However, from what discussions I have seen, it seems that there is
> interest in looking at a streaming + compression system so it won’t be
> instruction after instruction in binary format. But nothing is defined or
> set in stone yet, as far as I know J
> Thanks,
> Jc
> *From:* Rahman USTA []
> *Sent:* Monday, January 25, 2016 6:16 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* WebAssembly and Bytecode question
> Hi all ;
> I want to ask a question about the WebAssembly. Can I think WebAssembly's
> binary form is similar to bytecode ?
> Thanks.
> --
> Rahman USTA
> Istanbul JUG
> <>

Rahman USTA
Istanbul JUG <>

Received on Monday, 25 January 2016 18:39:44 UTC