hello world and a question!

hi, I'm playing with the ml-proto implementation and I have a doubt.

let's say I want to call a function inside the module I am by index, but
the index is passed as an argument to the current function, for that should
i use call or call_indirect?

here is an example:

 (func $one
    (i32.const 1))

 (func $fourthytwo
    (i32.const 42))

 (func $ic (param i32)
    (call (get_local 0)))

 (export "one" $one)
 (export "ft" $fourthytwo)
 (export "ic" $ic))

at the moment I get forth.wasm:9.11-9.12: syntax error if I use call or

is it because it's not implemented, because I'm using it wrong or because
it doesn't work that way?

I tried with addressof but it doesn't seem to be implemented.

Received on Monday, 14 September 2015 14:05:55 UTC