Re: [suborigins] The origin relationship to suborigins

Hi, and thanks for the comments! Your graph *should* be incorrect, although
it's always possible we're getting something wrong. The SOP should be
applied symmetrically to execution contexts that have a Suborigin and those
that don't, so the green arrows should be red in your example.

If you think there's a specific bug in the spec so far, we'd love to hear
more about it. It would be great if you can file a bug at

On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 5:35 AM chloe <> wrote:

> As stated in the ED [0], suborigins are another way of constructing
> origins. I think the draft fails to clarify the complete relationship.
> As an example: if XSS is found on without any suborigin
> namespace, will an attacker have the possibility to execute Javascript
> within a suborigin namespace, for instance /foo/ that sends the response
> header 'suborigin: foo'?
> I drew a simple SOP relationship chart and hopefully that clarifies how
> I think the relationship works. This image is attached. Red arrows means
> that SOP is denying access. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
> Thanks.
> [0]

Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2016 22:26:05 UTC