Re: [SRI] format of the integrity attribute

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 4:05 AM, Martin Thomson
<> wrote:
> You could just reserve an identifier from the space of hash identifiers.
> <link integrity="type:text/css sha256:abc... md2:def..." ...
> Then you have a handle upon which to direct processing of the
> corresponding value.
> Note: They aren't URLs, but I think colon is better a separator than a
> hyphen.  Using a character from the hash value-space as a separator
> might cause bugs.

Did we not want to address the content negotiation use case? E.g. for
<img> I could imagine the server sending either image/jpeg or
image/webp (for better or worse).

What Francois proposed would work. (Other hashes would simply default
to the last MIME type given.)


Received on Thursday, 29 January 2015 08:05:22 UTC