Re: Signed CSP

So your model is to have a manually curated whitelist of trusted keys;
and then use a browser that refuses to load any Internet content at
all unless it is signed with one of these (hopefully offline) keys?

The "can't navigate anywhere else" seems like a prerequisite, because
otherwise, what stops from just a 30x redirect to,
and letting do any fingerprinting / decloaking it wants? (In
fact, for optimal safety, you'd probably want a whitelist of keys
*and* of navigable origins).

This seems like an incredibly narrow / impractical use case, with a
whole lot of new browser logic to tackle on, and even then, CSP is
probably not the right place to solve it. You'd probably just want a
signature attached as an extra HTTP header or so, with a browser
add-on plugging into the HTTP stack and taking care of the validation


Received on Monday, 16 February 2015 02:11:17 UTC