Re: [clear-site-data] header field syntax

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 9:54 AM, Julian Reschke <>

> Recombination is governed by the HTTP spec, not an individual header field
> definition.
> So any software component is allowed to change
> > Clear-Site-Data: *
> > Clear-Site-Data: includeSubdomains
> to
> > Clear-Site-Data: *, includeSubdomains
> ...and a header field definition needs to handle that case.

Yes. Of course. My point is that our definition might need to treat `*,
includeSubdomains` as distinct from `*; includeSubdomains` in the same way
that CSP does, for the same reasons.


Received on Wednesday, 12 August 2015 08:12:25 UTC